

The 10 most common 1st words

Your baby’s first word is an important and incredible milestone. After all that practice with cooing sounds and mouth movements, your baby finally utters his first actual word. It’s an amazing achievement that will no doubt have you bursting with pride.

All babies are different, but babbling turns into real words somewhere between 9 and 18 months. Below is a list of the ten most common first words uttered. Is your baby’s first word on the list?

1. Dog
2. Cat
3. More
4. Baby
5. Ball
6. Duck
7. Teddy
8. Milk
9. Gran
10. Again

You might be surprised not to see "Ma" or "Mummy" feature on this list. That’s not because your baby prefers his daddy to his mummy. It’s to do with the fact that the d sound is easier for him to pronounce than the m sound. So don’t be disheartened if your little cherub can say a whole host of words from dog to duck before being able to say "mum". It’ll be worth the wait when he finally does.


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