Inside Innovation - Lumea

Inside Innovation - Lumea

January 20,2014

Over a decade of research and testing, and one Friday afternoon flash of inspiration all went into creating the award-winning Philips Lumea. The sleek futuristic device, that uses light to help women stay hair free easily and effectively, is the product of a diverse team including skin scientists, designers, engineers and dermatologists. Together they harnessed a powerful professional technology known as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for home use, to break new ground in hair removal.
Read the Backgrounder for the full story


Philips has a long history of producing innovative hair removal devices for women, and its researchers are always looking to offer women the best technology for use at home. Aware of the effectiveness of salon light therapies (also known as photo-epilation), they were keen to explore the potential of adapting it for home use. It was quickly realized that IPL offered the best route to helping women realize visible results, easily and in the comfort of their homes, and so the journey to develop Lumea began.



“One evening at home, I came across my camera which had a separate photo flash. Wondering how much light the flash would produce, I took it into the lab to test it one Friday afternoon.” […] “Suddenly, with just a few tweaks, we had a solution that was small and rechargeable. By modifying it to emit precisely the right wavelengths and amount of light, that flash technology became the key to Lumea.”
Researcher Tom Nuijs


“Using a professional system with adjustable settings, we found to our amazement that we could achieve hair removal using significantly lower energy and short pulse durations.”
Researcher Lenieke Evers-Derkx


   “With a new product category like this, there’s no established archetypal design. So we set about defining one with Lumea.”
Designer Ozgur Tasar

Read more about the innovation story behind Lumea

Design sketches

Design sketches

How it works

How it works

Philips Lumea - product image

Philips Lumea - product image

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