SmartSpeed Precise is considered work in progress and is not CE marked and not available for sale.
scanning to help reduce exam time and increase productivity.1
to deliver outstanding image quality and boost clinical confidence.1
across all sequences, it can be used to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of patients.2
By scanning up to three times faster1 and helping to reduce the total exam time, SmartSpeed can increase MRI department productivity and reduce the cost per exam. You can use the time gained to scan more patients and reduce the cost per scan, to add unplanned patients to the schedule and to reduce staff overtime.
By providing higher resolution1, SmartSpeed delivers outstanding image quality so that radiologists can feel confident when providing information to the referring physician. Because SmartSpeed applies deep learning AI reconstruction at the source – as close as possible to the beginning of the image acquisition process – it enables k-space data consistency check for trustworthy AI and minimizes data loss. And less data lost means more information in the reconstructed image.
SmartSpeed is compatible with 97%2 of clinical protocols, so you can use it to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of your patients. It has been trained on an extensive set of data so that it can be used not only with 2D sequences, but also with 3D sequences, as well as for all anatomies and a wide variety of advanced contrasts such as DIXON for fat-free imaging, angiography, SWI and even quantitative imaging such as T1- or T2-mapping. SmartSpeed is also compatible with non-cartesian imaging for uncooperative patients or challenging anatomies that are sensitive to motion.
Together, these AI radiology technologies speed up scan time with no loss in image quality.
Philips SmartSpeed is built on two key technologies:
Philips SmartSpeed is available in multiple clinical packages, so you can choose the right fit for your patient population. With the Essential Package you can experience the award-winning AI technology for brain and spine and with the Plus Package and above, you’ll also experience the benefits of increased productivity, enhanced diagnostic confidence and increased patient accessibility.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed at your fingertips. It utilizes the Compressed SENSE speed engine to reduce scan time and an award-winning AI algorithm applied directly to maximize information and deliver outstanding image quality to brain imaging. Philips SmartSpeed can be used in 2D and 3D and for all anatomical contracts. It supports 97% of current clinical MR protocols* to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of the patients.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed at your fingertips. It utilizes the Compressed SENSE speed engine to reduce scan time and an award-winning AI algorithm applied directly to maximize information and deliver outstanding image quality to spine imaging. Philips SmartSpeed can be used in 2D and 3D and for all anatomical contracts. It supports 97% of current clinical MR protocols* to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of the patients.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed at your fingertips. It utilizes the Compressed SENSE speed engine to reduce scan time and an award-winning AI algorithm applied directly at the beginning of the MR reconstruction chain to maximize information and deliver outstanding image quality to MSK imaging. Philips SmartSpeed can be used in 2D and 3D and for all anatomical contracts. It supports 97% of current clinical MR protocols* to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of the patients.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed at your fingertips. It utilizes the Compressed SENSE speed engine to reduce scan time and an award-winning AI algorithm applied directly at the beginning of the MR reconstruction chain to maximize information and deliver outstanding image quality to body imaging. Philips SmartSpeed can be used in 2D and 3D and for all anatomical contracts. It supports 97% of current clinical MR protocols* to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of the patients.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers image quality and speed at your fingertips. It utilizes the Compressed SENSE speed engine to reduce scan time and an award-winning AI algorithm applied directly at the beginning of the MR reconstruction chain to maximize information and deliver outstanding image quality to cardiac imaging. Philips SmartSpeed can be used in 2D and 3D and for all anatomical contracts. It supports 97% of current clinical MR protocols* to address the imaging needs of the vast majority of the patients.
Philips SmartSpeed delivers fast high-quality imaging for wider range of patients including patients who are in pain, struggling to hold still. Philips SmartSpeed MotionFree utilizes non-Cartesian, motion robust 2D imaging techniques to acquire fast, motion-free images. It reduces gross motion, breathing motion and pulsatility artifacts in over 90% of the cases compared to Cartesian imaging.
“The excellent denoising capability in the Philips SmartSpeed allows imaging with extremely high resolution without increasing the scan time. This is particularly important, for example, in depicting small lesions in the vascular system.”
Takashige Yoshida, PhD RT Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital Tokyo, Japan
“The AI-based Philips SmartSpeed reconstruction is the new benchmark among acceleration techniques for us. It improves Compressed SENSE in all aspects and allows reduction in scan times with unchanged excellent image quality and diagnostic confidence.”
Grischa Bratke, MD Radiologist – Expert in Musculoskeletal Imaging University Hospital of Cologne Cologne, Germany
“With SmartSpeed, we can achieve high image resolution and razor-sharp images in the shortest possible time. We hardly have any examinations that last longer than ten minutes.”
Tobias Schröter, MD MR Radiologist MRT-Praxis Potsdam Potsdam, Germany
The Compressed SENSE AI technology used in SmartSpeed, co-developed by Philips and its academic partners, won the 2019 fastMRI Challenge hosted by Facebook AI research and New York Langone Health.
To understand the impact Philips SmartSpeed can bring to clinical practice, we show the proven value of Compressed SENSE, which has been available since early 2018, and implemented globally. Compressed SENSE allows for productivity enhancement by reducing the scan times of individual acquisitions by up to 50%4 and of full exams by 20-30%1. The Philips SmartSpeed acceleration engine further builds on the strengths of its predecessors while expanding its versatility. It extends the application range to accommodate imaging in challenging situations related to motion, implants and low SNR in diffusion. On top of that, further speed improvements are realized by incorporating deep learning in the Philips SmartSpeed framework.
Adaptive-CS-Net deep learning technology applied at the beginning of the recon chain Philips SmartSpeed AI is completely integrated in the acquisition and reconstruction acceleration engine and the Adaptive-CS-Net is trained to cover all anatomical domains and image contrasts over a wide range of acceleration factors and resolutions. This makes Philips SmartSpeed AI as versatile as Compressed SENSE which is unparalleled in the application range. It can be applied in any anatomical area for all contrasts for 2D and 3D sequences including complex image output. The latter has the benefit that any image processing steps can be applied. Therefore, Philips SmartSpeed AI is for instance compatible with mDixon, SWIp and PCA. Image fidelity is maintained by the inherent data consistency of the Adaptive-CS-Net roll-out.
Philips SmartSpeed AI brings faster imaging, reduced motion sensitivity and higher resolution by sampling across the full k-space to capture the high frequency information. The support for multiple contrasts of 2D and 3D scans as well as derived information like fat-free imaging with mDixon ensures that shorter scan times are not realized only for single scans, but that the whole examination time is reduced. This is obviously beneficial for patient comfort and compliance. Through the novel design of the Adaptive-CS-Net, Philips SmartSpeed AI is up to three times faster1 than conventional parallel imaging and can increase resolution up to 65%1 to deliver outstanding image quality for diagnostic confidence. The variable density non-uniform sampling scheme allows scans to be accelerated with k-space coverage to the full extent such that higher frequencies (and hence, anatomical details) are captured. This results in truly high-resolution images in which fine structures can be discriminated against.
[1] Compared to Philips SENSE imaging. [2] On average, measured across a sample of sites from Philips MR installed base. [3] Adaptive-C-SENSE-Net technology is the winner of the FastMRI Challenge hosted by Facebook AI Research and NYU Langone Health (2019). [4] as of 2021. Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
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