Party planning:
Healthy treats for happy babies

Your baby’s first birthday is an occasion worth celebrating. Marking the day with a simple celebration is a joyful way to commemorate the anniversary of your baby’s arrival into the world.

First birthday parties needn’t be big or fancy. In fact big crowds of strangers might be a bit overwhelming for your baby. It might be an idea to keep it to close friends and family if possible.

If your guest list includes other babies of a similar ages you’ll want to make sure there are plenty of healthy snacks for them. Laying on foods that both adults and babies can snack on will save you a lot of effort too.

Here are a few nutritious and delicious party food ideas for your baby’s big day:

Savoury snacks

  • Hummus
    Hummus is popular with both adults and babies whether it’s shop bought or home made. Opt for a low-salt variety and serve with sliced brown pita bread and a selection of crunchy crudité like peppers, carrots and cucumber.
  • Mini-sandwiches
    Make a batch of mini-sandwiches using a soft cheese spread or smooth chicken or vegetable paté for a satisfying protein and carbohydrate boost.
  • Perfect pizza
    It’s hard to go wrong with a simple cheese and tomato pizza sliced into bite-sized portions for tiny fingers.
  • Cheese on sticks
    Cheddar cheese cubes are great for nibbling on and a good source of calcium for babies. You can put them on cocktail sticks with a slice of pineapple or grapes for the grown-ups too.
  • Salt-free snacks
    Serve a selection of, crackers, breadsticks and rice cakes for guilt-free munching. 

Sweet treats 

  • Baby biscuits
    If you’re short on time buy a few boxes of organic baby-friendly biscuits. These are available in a variety of fun shapes from gingerbread men to animals. The best thing about them is that don’t contain any refined sugar or additives. You’ll find them most supermarkets and health food stores. Or, if time is on your side, have a go at baking some yourself.
  • Juicy jelly
    Jelly is a popular children’s party staple. You could try making your own healthier version using leaf gelatin, fresh fruit juice and sliced fruit. Pour into individual cups or shot glasses to set.
  • Dairy pots
    Small pots of natural yoghurt and fromage frais are a protein and calcium rich treat that most babies will guzzle with gusto.
  • Pureé pouches
    Have a selection of pureed fruit pouches on hand for any younger babies. These can be frozen in hot weather and served as baby-friendly ice-lollies too. They make an ideal snack for teething babies too.
  • Brilliant berries
    As well as tasting great, berries of all varieties are packed with vital vitamins and antioxidants. A large bowl of blueberries, strawberries and raspberries will make an attractive centerpiece accompanied with freshly whipped unsweetened cream. 
  • The birthday cake
    Of course, no first birthday party would be complete without a cake. And believe it or not, it really is possible to make a scrumptious birthday cake that’s packed with lots of healthy ingredients. Carrot, apple or banana cakes are more nutritious than a classic chocolate cake. There are plenty of healthy first birthday cake recipes online. Try and choose one that reflects your baby’s favourite tastes and decorate accordingly.


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